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Faith Lutheran is currently without a full-time Pastor - But we are still going strong!

Pastor Terry Strom recently retired after 30 years of serving the Lord. As a result, we are currently starting the process of finding a new Pastor to lead our congregation and guide us. We have been blessed with a Vacancy Pastor who will help us and we have others who will serve to  maintain our worship services, bless us with the Sacrament two times each month, and continue our ongoing need to learn the lessons and truth of Christ Jesus and his teachings.  Please join us. We are a small but strong congregation with a diverse mix of old and young. You are welcome to worship with Faith Lutheran.

Faith Lutheran Church

1201 Bear Lane

Monticello, IL 61856


Office Hours:

Tuesday        9:00 AM  -  12:00 PM

Wednesday  9:00 AM  -  12:00 PM


Office Assistant: Paige Buck

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