Guests are always welcome!
Sunday School, for adults @ 9:00 AM
Children's Sunday School @ 9 AM.
Watch live Streaming on our YouTube Channel or Facebook page.
Upcoming Worship Bulletin (PDF)
Worship at Faith is joyfully reverent as we receive the gifts of forgiveness and life from the Triune God through Word and Sacrament. We gratefully respond with songs, prayers, offerings, and a sanctified life. The content of worship is drawn directly from God’s Word, while the style incorporates both traditional and contemporary elements. Most services are rich with tradition, using the historic liturgy from our hymnal, Lutheran Service Book, with the pastor wearing vestments. The Lord’s Supper is typically celebrated on the odd Sundays (1st, 3rd, & 5th) of each month, and a children’s message is typically included on the non-communion Sundays.
We believe that it is a great privilege to attend the Lord’s Supper. We believe that in the Lord’s Supper we receive the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given for us Christians to eat and drink. In this Holy Supper we are given forgiveness of sins and assurance of God’s love in Christ. Holy Communion also expresses our oneness in Biblical doctrine. Because this is true, we ask that only those who have the same understanding of the Lord’s Supper partake of this Sacrament. Even if you are not partaking in this Sacrament, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing. Please indicate your desire to receive a blessing by crossing your arms in front of you. Also, please note that grape juice is available in the center circle of the tray for those who cannot have wine. May God bless your worship with us here at Faith and may your faith in Christ be strengthened.
To the Parents of Young Children
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). We know it can be exhausting as a parent, but you are doing an important thing by being here with your children, as the body of Christ is more fully present. You may think that your child’s babbling and squirming is a distraction, but to be honest, it bothers you more than it does anybody else. In fact, the joyful noises of your child bring joy to the rest of the congregation. Your child is already learning about worship in addition to hearing the Word of God. If you feel the need to step out for a time with your child, feel free to hang out in the back or in the nursery (which also has a changing table). There are also people at Faith who would love to help you with your child; just talk to the pastor, and he will connect you with one of them. Above all, we are glad that you are here at Faith with your children!